Payload Blog

40 Results for Tag Kennedy Space Center

The prime crew of the Apollo 8 lunar orbit mission stands beside the gondola in Building 29 after training. Astronauts left to right are William Anders, James Lovell and Frank Borman.

The crew of Apollo 8 was the first to see the other side of the Moon. Learn more about this iconic mission for the 50th anniversary of its launch from Kennedy Space Center.

The Mars InSight probe is shown in this artist's rendition operating on the surface of Mars.

NASA’s InSight spacecraft will land on Mars as the first mission to study the interior of the Red Planet and how rocky planets in our solar system formed four billion years ago.

Categories: Special Events, NASA News

The crew of Apollo 7, Commander Walter Schirra, Lunar Module Pilot Walter Cunningham and Command Module Pilot Donn Eisele, pose after a successful mission in 1968.

Apollo 7 was a mission of firsts from being the first crewed Apollo mission to the first TV broadcast in space.

GPS, a NASA Spinoff

Many products we use every day on Earth stemmed from NASA’s research in space. From memory foam to GPS, NASA spinoffs are a part of our daily lives.

Camp KSC students discovering the Mars Base 1 botany lab.

One of the most immersive activities offered at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex is spending time living and working on Mars as an astronaut trainee in our visionary Mars Base 1. This summer, we transported more than 1,000 guests to Mars in our Pegasus-class crew module aboard the Mars Transfer Vehicle, Concordia. Learn about their missions in the Botany Lab.