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开放时间:上午9 时至下午 6 时


Located at the main entrance, Information offers visitor complex information, maps and assistance. Information also assists with holding and locating lost or found items. Visitors may also rent wheelchairs, scooters and strollers. Information crewmembers may speak languages other than English, please inquire inside. Fill out our form if you have lost an item during your visit. 


Rent accessible equipment at the Information building. All rental equipment is available to rent in advance online or on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • $30 Electric Scooter Rental, limited quantities available – (Must be 18 or older to operate)
  • $10 轮椅租赁
  • 婴儿车租金 8 美元,双人婴儿车租金 10 美元

 If purchased online, please take your ticket to the Information building to redeem your rental.

All rental items must be returned to Information by the visitor complex’s closing. Please note that when renting an ECV, guests must sign a rental agreement. The agreement includes contact information and the acknowledgement that the renter understands how to operate the vehicle. These are equipped with a chair for one person only and young children may not operate the vehicle. Please note that prices do not include tax.


Basic medical services are available in the nurses’ station located at the main visitor complex. Ask any crewmember for an escort to the station if anyone in your party requires medical services.

Automated External Defibrillators, or AEDs, are available throughout the visitor complex for use in the case of an emergency. AEDs are accessible to our crewmembers and guests, with easy-to-follow prompts for how to use these devices.


Nursing rooms are available on the top floor of Space Shuttle Atlantis and inside Planet Play, near the lounge.


For the comfort and safety of all visitors, smoking (including electronic cigarettes) is permitted in designated smoking areas only. Smoking areas are located throughout the park, clearly marked on visitor complex maps.


Free kennel service is provided for pets. The kennel operates from 9:00 AM until closing and is indoors and air conditioned. Visitors are encouraged to provide pet food, snacks, toys, blankets and water dishes for comfort. Please show a valid government-issued ID to verify that you are picking up the correct pet. Kennel services cannot be reserved in advance. Learn more about the kennel here.