游客可以继续使用信用卡、借记卡或带有 Apple Pay 或 Google Pay 的智能设备在整个游客综合区进行支付。如果您没有支付卡,可以在游客中心和阿波罗/土星五号中心各处的 "现金转卡"(Cash-to-Card)自助服务机前将现金转入万事达卡预付借记卡,该卡可在任何接受万事达卡的地方使用。使用这项服务无需任何费用。
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex going cashless?
Why is Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex going cashless?
无现金交易比现金交易更安全、更快捷。 我们决定采用非现金交易方式,努力创造一个更安全的流程,让您更快地完成交易。
Is there a fee to use the Cash-to-Card kiosk?
Is there a fee to use the Cash-to-Card kiosk?
不会,将现金转入卡中不会收取任何费用,使用卡付款时也不会产生任何费用。如果您经常使用该卡,则不会产生任何费用。但是,在连续 92 天保持余额且无交易后,发卡机构将向您收取每月 3.95 美元的费用。 这项费用不是由游客中心收取的。
What types of payments are accepted at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex?
What types of payments are accepted at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex?
我们接受美国运通卡、发现卡、万事达卡、维萨卡和大来俱乐部信用卡、大多数借记卡以及 Apple Pay。现在还包括您将现金转换为万事达卡时获得的万事达卡预付借记卡。
How much cash am I able to load onto a card at the Cash-to Card kiosk? Is there a minimum amount required?
How much cash am I able to load onto a card at the Cash-to Card kiosk? Is there a minimum amount required?
最高 最大预付卡每次最多可充值 1000 美元。没有 最低金额 要求.
Can I reload the payment card at a Cash-to-Card kiosk?
Can I reload the payment card at a Cash-to-Card kiosk?
遗憾的是,这些卡不能充值。要将更多现金转换成 卡您需要在游客中心的任何一个充值站办理一张新卡。
How can I check the balance on my Mastercard prepaid debit card?
How can I check the balance on my Mastercard prepaid debit card?
- 在访问期间的任何 "现金到卡 "自助服务机上使用。
- 在www.rcbalance.com
- 请拨打卡背面的电话号码。
- 每次交易结束后,您都可以输入自己的电话号码,以获得一个独一无二的链接,在该链接中您可以跟踪自己的余额。
Where can I find cash to card machines?
Where can I find cash to card machines?
- 正门入口处的售票亭
- IMAX® 大厅
- 太空商店
- 阿波罗/土星五号中心(Astropass 站附近)
What do I do if the Cash-to-Card kiosk takes my cash but does not give me a card?
What do I do if the Cash-to-Card kiosk takes my cash but does not give me a card?
What personal information do I need to enter at a Cash-to-Card kiosk?
What personal information do I need to enter at a Cash-to-Card kiosk?
What if I run out of money on the card and cannot cover my purchase?
What if I run out of money on the card and cannot cover my purchase?
如果您的预付借记卡资金用完,我们将暂停交易,以便您可以提供 额外的付款方式 付款方式。这可以是另一张卡,或者您可以加载 额外的现金到新的预付借记卡中。如果您在交易过程中资金耗尽,您将不会被收取任何罚款或费用。
What if I still have funds on my card when I leave Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex?
What if I still have funds on my card when I leave Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex?