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开放时间:上午9 时至下午 6 时

Camp Kennedy Space Center International offers student groups an unforgettable experience at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. Available as a 3 or 5-day program, this program focuses on science, technology, engineering and math challenges using authentic NASA science. It is a unique adventure that also connects students to NASA’s continuing mission of studying and understanding Mars with the goal of landing humans on the surface someday.


3-Day Tuition: $454.75 per person, plus tax
5-Day Tuition: $695.50 per person, plus tax

Tuition includes:

  • Lunches and afternoon snacks
  • T-shirt
  • Personalized name badge
  • Lanyard
  • Certificate of completion

Important Program Information:

  • Camp KSC International is offered to students ages 10-17 in groups of 24 or more. A minimum of 24 participants is required to run the program.
  • Programs runs from 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM each day. Please arrive no later than 8:45 AM each morning.
  • Camp KSC International has a 1:11 ratio for students to participating, paying chaperones. Chaperones must be 21 years or older.
  • This program is available year-round. Please call to request specific dates and they will be approved based upon availability.
  • A 30% non-refundable deposit will be collected at the time of booking. Final payment is due 4 weeks before your program begins.
  • English fluency is required. Each participant must be able to read, understand and follow English directions.


For information about Camp KSC International, please email our Reservations Department at kscint@delawarenorth.com.



Astronaut Training Experience (ATX):
Guests must be able to transfer on their own into the simulators. 

  • 着陆器/漫游车模拟器:游客必须能够步行上楼或通过斜坡进入体验区,下楼/上楼进入漫游车。
  • 微重力模拟器:游客必须能够跨过模拟器周围的高架安全设施。

Mars Base 1
Mars Transfer Vehicle: A wheelchair- accessible space is provided.

All Astronaut Training Experience Simulators

将火星转移飞行器纳入火星基地 1

为了安全起见,您应该身体健康,没有高血压、心脏病、背部或颈部疾病、晕车或其他可能会因这次体验而加重的疾病。所有模拟器的最大重量为 275 磅/127 千克。 孕妇不宜参加。游客必须穿密趾鞋参加活动。由于模拟器的性质,游客在项目中穿着裙子/短裙时应小心谨慎。某些体型的游客可能无法乘坐。

Land and Drive on Mars Simulator


近期做过手术或受过伤的人不宜骑马。 参加者身高必须至少 51 英寸/1.3 米。游客必须能够安全地坐进座椅和约束系统。






参赛者身高必须至少为 48 英寸/1.22 米。