Educator-Led Experiences
Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex education programs are among the leading science-education adventures. Each program is designed to address National Science and Technology Standards through exciting and educational journeys such as team engineering challenges, hands-on experiences, cutting-edge simulators and overnight visits. Discover and explore our many educational programs and activities. Programs available may be offered to groups or individuals.
Explore Programs and Experiences
如需了解有关参观的更多信息,请致电 1.855.433.4210 预订部。该团队的工作时间为美国东部时间每天上午 9:00 至下午 5:00。
请注意: 特别发布和活动可能需要单独购买门票。当天安排的团体参观和教育项目可能会有变动或取消。条款和条件如有变更,恕不另行通知。