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开放时间:上午 9 时至下午 6 时

Here is a wonderful opportunity to bring NASA inspired STEM activities to your classroom! Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex offers a wide range of virtual STEM learning experiences. These lessons are offered free of charge to Title I schools in Brevard, Orange, Osceola, Seminole and Volusia counties for students in grades 3rd – 8th.  These STEM lessons have been designed to engage and excite learners, while aligning with their educational needs. Our professional team of educators at Kennedy Space Center lead this program in a series of prerecorded instructional videos via a private YouTube channel. On the day you select to launch your program, we offer virtual support with one of our educators to welcome you and answer questions related to the program. This opportunity is at your fingertips – just send us a request and we will work with you to schedule your virtual STEM Academy experiences.


What Other Teachers Are Saying About the Program:


“My students were engaged the entire time and the directions were easy to follow and no one got frustrated.”

“I would love to do the virtual program again! Thank you for the opportunity”

“This has been an amazing program. The students are absolutely loving it.”


Are there more features to the STEM Academy virtual program that make it special?

Yes, we have other elements included in the program and all of them can be delivered to your school.

  1. Student activity logbook (one per student)
  2. Teacher Edition of the Student Activity logbook for each teacher
  3. Supplies for the hands-on activities
  4. Certificates of completion (hard copy, one per student)
  5. Special gifts for the students


How long is the program?

The recorded program presented by our Education team is approximately three hours long, divided into six different missions (lessons) varying in length from approximately 15 to 40 minutes each. The program includes live support as well as the opportunity for questions & answers on the first day of the presentation for a set timeframe, determined by the classroom needs.

Do you want to know more or schedule your program?

Contact Sarah Encapera, Education Coordinator at sencapera@delawarenorth.com or 321.449.4875.