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Open: 9 AM to 6 PM
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Your Group's Visit

Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex welcomes groups of all ages to spend the day exploring unparalleled space attractions and exhibits. Whether you remember the Gemini Program era or aspire to set foot on Mars, we work with you to help create a memorable experience for your students, family or organization, big or small.

Group Minimums for Admission

Youth Groups
Youth/student group discounts are offered to domestic groups of 15 or more, between the grades of K-12. Please call for international group rates and information.

Adult Groups
Adult groups must have a minimum of 15 attendees to receive the group rate. Should the group be traveling with 30 or more, an additional discount will be offered.

Senior Groups
Seniors in groups of 15 or more will receive a discount off of admission as well.

Please Note: Special launches and events may require a separately priced ticket. Group visits scheduled on that day are subject to change or may be cancelled. Terms and conditions are subject to change.

Please call 1.855.433.4210 for the latest group information and discount.