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Who doesn’t love the frenzy of the holidays, especially Black Friday with the best of the best offers! Black Friday (and Cyber Monday!) are right around the corner – so we have two special deals perfect for space loving friends and family.

Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex is offering two deals on the Atlantis Annual Pass for Black Friday and admission for Cyber Monday.

On Friday, November 25, guests who purchase an Atlantis Annual Pass will get an entire month free and save $10 off, bringing the pass to $139 for adults (12+) and $110 for children 3-11, plus tax. If purchased, the 13-month Atlantis Annual Pass will expire on December 31, 2023.

On Monday, November 28, guests can pre-purchase a one-day adult (12+) admission ticket for the price of a child’s admission ticket, a $10 savings. Purchased adult admission tickets are valid for use on or before December 31, 2022*.

With this deal, you can see the newest attraction at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, Gateway: The Deep Space Launch Complex®. With a focus on the present and future of collaborative space exploration, you can experience the interstellar travel of tomorrow while celebrating everything happening right now within the space program. Gateway features a showcase of NASA and commercial spacecraft hardware with immersive displays, the spaceport of the future, Spaceport KSC, and an all-new restaurant, Space Bowl Bistro.

Black Friday: Atlantis Annual Pass

  • Adult (12+):  $139 plus tax
  • Child (3-11): $110 plus tax

Cyber Monday: One-day Adult Admission Ticket

  • Adult (12+): $65 plus tax

Both offers are only available through the Reservations Department at 855-433-4210 and online at These are offers are only available on their respective dates.