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Abierto: de 9.00 a 18.00 horas

Planeta Play

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Games located within the planet play area


Aspiring astronauts team up with satellite and rover buddies to play games and complete fun missions! On Saturn’s rings, collect balls of data and launch them to the satellite buddy. In an interactive puzzle, step on the stars to recreate the constellations in the sky.

Children playing in the planet play area


Surrounded by the nature of space, young explorers climb among the stars, slide through wormholes, walk on Saturn’s rings, and explore different planet surfaces. Toddlers can explore the surface of the Moon in the soft play area.

Lit up seating in the planet play lounge


Watch the kids play and learn while enjoying the coffee, wine and beer bar in a comfortable lounge. Enjoy space trivia and watch as children play on the planets.

Juno cartoon


Explore the planets with the satellites who have visited them. The Juno Satellite is in a polar orbit around Jupiter to measure its composition, gravity field and more.

Cassini cartoon


The Cassini-Huygens Satellite orbited around Saturn giving us incredible data and images of Saturn and its rings.

Horizon cartoon


The New Horizons Satellite was the first spacecraft to study Pluto and the Kuiper Belt up close.