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Geöffnet: 9 AM bis 18 PM

Ad Astra Per Aspera

A Rough Road Leads to the Stars

  • In der Zulassung enthalten
  • Rollstuhltauglich
  • 15 Minuten einplanen
Ad Astra Per Aspera Attraktion
Tickets kaufen

Honor the lives of Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee in The Apollo 1 Tribute, Ad Astra Per Aspera – A Rough Road Leads to the Stars. This tribute shares mementos of the fallen Apollo 1 astronauts’ lives and reminds us of their sacrifice. Generations of people around the world will learn who these brave astronauts were and how their legacies live on through the Apollo successes and beyond. 

Ad Astra Per Aspera is located inside the Apollo/Saturn V Center. 

Remember them not for how they died but for those ideals for which they lived.

Apollo 1 Memorial Plaque at site of the now-dismantled Launch Complex 34